Friday, April 2, 2010

Forex trading USD/JPY HINTS

One of the silly rules of thumb in USD/JPY trading is it rarely moves 700-800 pips in a row without 200 pips or more correction in the middle and it almost always retraces back to 350 pips advance point from the start of its 700-800 pips move. All because of liquidity problem in Yen market.

The real battle of bulls and bears for medium-term trend is always around 20 day MA line in Yen market. Daily option activities here and there are of no relevance as far as medium-term trend is concerned.

Yen position traders sit on their positions gunning for several hundred pips at one go. For day trades, much more nimble approach is required. As Yen position trader, please never buy anything below falling daily 20 MA and never sell anything above rising daily 20 MA, no matter how attractive they look. So start buying only when daily 20 MA starts rising, from whatever level, is not only safe but also proven way of making money although it sounds so simple. Imho. Good trades.

You can read how Yen traders make intraday moves by watching 30 min USD/JPY candlestick chart or line chart if you are not familiar with candle nuance. 4, 8 hourlies are for positional moves. Good trades.

The Tokyo Fix is where the FX rate is established for the day by the banks for their customers. So even though the FX rate may change during the day the customer gets the rate at the time of the fix. There is a fix in Tokyo, London and Toronto (more I am sure). Importers generally settle their accounts on the 5th, 10th, 15th, etc, of the month before and up until the fix ():50 GMT). Sometimes, if there is an "excess" dollar demand $/JPY will continue to climb slightly after the fix. $Bulls will also use this as a staging for extending a rally. $Bears (Yen Bulls) will use this to establish better shorts.

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